Meet your committee

Current elected members

Vikki Goddard

Committee member since: 2019
Allotment holder since: 2018
Plot number: 59

A bit about me:
I live in Chorlton with my husband and 2 girls, we’ve lived here for about 10 years.  I’ve always enjoyed growing vegetables so when my kids were past the toddler stage I thought it would be good to get an allotment.  Sadly they are now of an age where they are not interested but I live in hope that they will come round!  When I’m not gardening I work in Higher education, I’ve worked at Salford and Manchester Universities but I am now an independent consultant advising Universities and related organisations.

What my committee role entails:  I am the Chair of the committee which means that I try and make sure the committee follows the agenda and makes clear decisions on the issues in front of us.  I have also recently taken on the admin of our Facebook page so I try and ensure that has interesting and useful information for members.  

Favourite vegetable or plant and why: Asparagus … it’s just got a fabulous taste and doesn’t need any adornment other than butter and pepper. Plus it’s a perennial so (relatively) easy to grow, and its fascinating to watch the tips develop into leaves if you leave them!

Salle Dare

Committee member since: 2016
Allotment holder since: 2004

Plot number: 30A

A bit about me: I share my plot with my friend Cordelia – we are both co-tenants, and she knows more about growing stuff than I do.  I just enjoy it and I reckon we are about 60% successful. I am retired which is why I have time to maintain our plot and to commit to the work of being secretary.  I really enjoy it (I know – how sad is that – but some people do!!).  I love the peace when I am on the site and seeing the birds and all the nature around us.  And of course, I love eating what we grow.

What my committee role entails: I do the general committee work, keeping members informed, liaising with the council, keeping the council’s allotment management system up to date, helping with the shop and generally trying to make sure the site runs well including maintenance.

Favourite vegetable or plant and why: For taste I love the peas and broad beans and when it grows the sweet corn (but doesn’t often work). I love Chard and Jerusalem artichokes – no pests like them and they just grow, no matter what you do.  


Biog coming soon. 

Caroline Birch
Minutes Secretary

Committee member since: 2018 (plus another stint 2007- 2011 ish)

Allotment holder since: 2006

Plot number: 40b

What my committee role entails: I attend the monthly meetings and record decisions made in the minutes which are shared with members. I help with monthly plot 'inspections' which identify plotholders needing support. I also help organise the annual Plant Sale (raising funds for our nominated charity and the site).

Favourite vegetable or plant and why: Oh, so many! Probably the good old potato - because my kids can help prepare and plant, and it always feel like digging for gold.

Matt McCann  
Committee member

Committee member since: 2021Allotment holder since: 2020
Plot number: 51B

A bit about me: Hi I’m Matt, married to Jenny who is also on the committee. I’ve really enjoyed taking on the allotment and learning what grows best. Keeping my fingers crossed for a successful growing year. When I’m not on the allotment I’m busy making tv programmes around the UK.

What my committee role entails: As a new committee member I hope to be able to help the group achieve some of the aims for this year and get involved in a variety of things. I hope to use my work skills in photography and camera work to feature some of the allotment holders on the website.

Favourite vegetable or plant and why: I really liked the potatoes we grew last year, they’re so versatile. We had good success with our Desiree variety last year and looking forward to seeing how our Golden Wonder will turn out this year.

Jenny Whitham
Committee member

Committee member since: 2021
Allotment holder since: 2020
Plot number: 51B

A bit about me: Hello! I’m Jenny and I’m married to Matt who is also on the committee. We took on our plot in August 2020 and spent the first 6 months transforming it and getting it ready for growing season. I work for an orchestra doing marketing for my job and we have a lovely cat called Loula who is very intrigued by our allotment. 

What my committee role entails: As a committee newbie I am doing a lot of learning and listening and feeding back on hopefully helpful things I’m learning about being a fairly new allotment holder. I help with the allotment shop and sort out the volunteer rota!

Favourite vegetable or plant and why:
Our first growing season was 2021 and we had the most wonderful courgettes! Adding liquid seaweed feed (a tip from a Garden Organic Zoom in 2021) really helped and we had a brilliant harvest. We also had success with our potatoes which were Desiree variety.

Rani Prasad
Committee member

Committee member since: 2022

Allotment holder since: 2022
Plot number: 26C

A bit about me: Hi! I am Rani and I am a relatively new plot holder, taking up my plot since my retirement. I am interested in the allotment community growing in the new social spaces as they come together

What my committee role entails: I am an Ordinary member of the committee, though do contribute to the Shop and Inspections rotas.

Favourite vegetable or plant and why:  I like growing any veg!

Mike McPherson
Committee member

Biog coming soon.

Steve Fisher
Committee member

Biog coming soon.

Photo credits

With thanks to the following photographers:
Asparagus - Photo by Alisa Golovinska on Unsplash
Peas - Photo by Daiga Ellaby on Unsplash
Green beans - Photo by Cyrus Crossan on Unsplash
Red potatoes - Photo by Kieran Murphy on UnsplashPumpkin - Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash
Courgettes - Photo by Markus Spiske on Unsplash
Allium - Photo by Krzysztof Niewolny on Unsplash